Getting Your Online Store Ready for the Holidays

Some of the largest shopping holidays are coming up in the next few months! From Black Friday to Christmas, now is the time to make sure your online shop is ready to handle the rush. Are you prepared?

Promotional events can be stressful, but proper preparation can make all the difference. When it comes to promotional events, prep can start months in advance. Where do you start?

Set clear goals & objectives

The first step to getting ready for promotional events is to set your conversion goals. What do you want to achieve? Increasing sales, acquiring new customers, and enhancing brand visibility are just a few goals you may consider. Whatever your goals may be, they should be clear and at times specific. If you want to increase sales, how many sales do you want your promotional event to make? Determining a number to aim for can help you track the progress of your goals better.

Buckle Down on Website optimization

When it comes to promotional events that will bring an influx of traffic to your site, it’s important that your site runs smoothly. Optimizing your site can involve checking many moving parts. Speed and performance optimization are key to ensuring your site can handle the increased traffic. Other important aspects to consider are mobile optimization, user experience, navigation, and your site’s checkout process. Depending on what kind of promotional event you are running, take into consideration the visual appeal of your promotional content as well. Overall, promotional events are great opportunities to bring in new and old customers, so crafting the best experience is key. Test your website thoroughly!

Schedule and Create Marketing content

When creating your marketing content for social media, email, and so forth, make sure to schedule it ahead of time. Promotional events can get hectic once started, but with the use of social media or email management tools, you can prepare and schedule the majority of your marketing material ahead of time, giving you room to breathe. Note that it is important to carefully choose how often and at what times you want your marketing material to go out. Analyze existing marketing efforts and identify any times or days that your users are more engaged with your content. With those times and days in mind, create your promotional marketing schedule!

Monitor & maintain analytics

No matter how prepared you are, issues and surprises can sneak up on you, so it’s important to be watching your site for the unexpected. From website crashes to sales performance, analytics tools like Google Analytics 4 can help you fix issues as quickly while also giving you an overview on how well your promotional event is performing so far. Analytics can help you better measure how successfully you have reached your promotional event goals, as well as give insight into what works and what doesn’t work.

Take Time for Post-holiday analysis

When your promotional event is over, preparation for your next promotional event starts! Take some time to look at your analytics and think over the results of your work. Did you reach your goals? Did the results fall flat, or far exceed them? Identify areas where your promotional strategy was strong and other areas that were underwhelming. By taking all of this into consideration, you can create new goals to reach as well as tweak your strategy for your next promotional event.

Want to Learn More?

Promotional events are great opportunities to increase sales and to engage with new and old customers! To learn more about how you can prepare for upcoming promotional events, listen to our podcast where we dive further into how you can prepare!