Boost Sales With Repeat Customers!

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Why Are Repeat Customers So Important?

They’ve shopped with you, they know your products and they are familiar with your site.  Ultimately, they already know where to find you and what you offer! So, why not do all that you can to bring them back to your store again and again?  So many times we get caught up in growing our business and attracting new customers that we overlook the value of our existing customer base that actually helped us build our business in the first place! Repeat customers are the foundation on which profitable businesses are built.

In fact, the higher percentage of your revenue that comes from return customers, the more stable your business will be, particularly in lean times or economic downturns.

If you have a loyal customer base that returns to your store again and again, they will bring your business through down times and rough patches.  To keep these customers happy and coming back to you, its a good practice to spend about 25% of your marketing time and effort toward your existing customer base.

We’ve found that one of the best ways to keep existing customers happy is to offer incentives and rewards.  We utilize our Customer Rewards Points module for our own customers and are proud to say that this has become one of our best selling modules.  If you don’t offer customer rewards already, our mod is a simple & effective way to start right now with a very small time & financial investment.  Contact us with any questions or to buy the mod and start rewarding your customers today!