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Global Product Options for X-cart

Global Product Options for X-cart
  • Global Product Options for X-cart
  • Global Product Options for X-cart
  • Global Product Options for X-cart
Ease of Installation
Ease of Use
(2 reviews)
X-cart Versions
4.0.x, 4.1.x, 4.2.x, 4.3.x, 4.4.x, 4.5.x, 4.6.x, 4.7.x
Our price:
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  • Customer feedback
This product is great for stores that have common product options across many products. Easily convert a normal product option into a global product option. Once you have a product option marked as global, it then becomes available for use on any of your other products!

If you edit a global product option, then it will update all products that use that global product option!

Note: If you create a global product option of type Variant, then if you late change the variant global product option, it WILL reset the variant prices to the base price and sku's for all the products which use that global product variant. This is unavoidable with the way X-cart rebuilds product options

Be sure and click on the software box/thumbnail for screen shots!

As with all BCSE products, you are entitled to 3 months of upgrades! Be sure and enter your shop domain below to be eligible!

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Posted by Jason (Play Paint) on 09/18/09
9 of 14 found this review helpful (did you? yes / no)
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Easy install. Great if you use multiple variants across many product platforms. This allows you to set an option that is available to any product. Makes creating variats fast and easy. Now you don't have to create that same variant for red, blue, black, and green t-shirts everytime you add a new t-shirt design.
Global Product Options
Posted by Mick on 12/14/10
7 of 7 found this review helpful (did you? yes / no)
Ease of Installation
Ease of Use
Review comment
If you use product options, this is the one mod you absolutely must have. Works perfectly and saves an unbelievable amount of time. Now available for 4.4.1 which is fantastic news.

Cannot recommend this enough.
What type of X-cart User are you?:  Intermediate User
How many X-cart sites do you own?:  2